Monday, September 30, 2019

Basic Problems of Philosophy

â€Å"Aristotle: He argued for the existence of a divine being, described as the Prime Mover, who is responsible for the unity and purposefulness of nature. God is perfect and therefore the aspiration of all things in the world, because all things desire to share perfection. Other movers exist as well—the intelligent movers of the planets and stars (Aristotle suggested that the number of these is either 55 or 47).The Prime Mover, or God, described by Aristotle is not very suitable for religious purposes, as many later philosophers and theologians have observed.Aristotle limited his â€Å"theology,† however, to what he believed science requires and can establish. † Source: Brumbaugh, Robert S. â€Å"Aristotle. † Microsoft Encarta 206 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005 This falls under problem number one,† What is the ultimate nature of reality, existence or being. † It is not the perfect one for me. Because it just recognizes that t here is a God, who is the Prime Mover. Everything starts from him, the ultimate nature of reality, and existence. But it does not answer the relationship of God with Man or to each and everyone of us.Other Movers are also recognized, and it confuses the proposal, Aristotle mentions the existence of a divine being, and also other intelligent movers. It did not answer how they relate to each other. Just a mere mentioning of their existence, may not be enough. Somehow, there must be a way in determining their existence and most especially to Man. It must be considered that the existence of Man has never reached a Harmonious level. But instead we are always in trouble, such as anger and hunger are everywhere. Code† 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 2Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 2. According to Socrates, the principal speaker in The Republic, an ideal state would consist of three classes. The Philosopher-Kings would exercise political power i n the service of justice and wisdom; the soldiers would protect the state as a means of acquiring honor; and the civilian population would provide for the material needs of society. A large part of The Republic is devoted to a detailed presentation of the rigorous intellectual training of future rulers.This section also contains a fundamental analysis of metaphysical and scientific thought. The government of the state acts to enforce the virtue, and consequently the true happiness, of the individual citizen, and an ordrerly and productive public life is the result. Criticizing the doctrines of atheism and materialism, Plato reaffirmed his idealistic position and asserted this belief in the moral government of the universe and the immortality of the soul. Source: â€Å"Republic (literature). † Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.This is about problem number 2 and three. (3) Ethics, answering such questions as: How do we determine the basis fo r making moral judgments such as, this action was right and that wrong? (4) Logic, answers questions as: How should society be organized? What should be the relationship between the Government and the People? This is almost what we have today, a democratic government. Generally good, as long as the Philosopher-kings will be righteous ( I think this is equivalent to our president and the congress now. ) Because they are in power, or the one who rule. But when they becomeCode: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 3 Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 cruel and corrupt, the government or the Republic will be in trouble. Probably this is Plato’s greatest contribution to mankind. This is an exact example of how society should be organized and managed. The relationship between the government and the people, may not be perfect but at least law and order is establish. Because a decent life is offered to ordinary folks and they have a good chance of contr ibuting their talents for a better government and society.Ethics and Logic goes together, in such a way as how the government will deal with its people, there must be moral values and judgment such as to get the support, respect and most of all the trust of the people. That will be a healthy relationship. 3 â€Å"Anselm:Scholastic thought was less interested in discovering new facts and principles than in demonstrating the truth of existing beliefs. Its method was therefore dialectical (based upon logical argument), and its intense concern with the logic of argument led to important developments in logic as well as theology.The Scholastic philosopher Saint Anselm of Canterbury adopted Augustine’s view of the complimentary relation between faith and reason and combined Platonism with Christian theology. Supporting the Platonic theory of ideas, Anselm argued in favor of the separate existence of universals, or common properties of things—the properties Avicenna had call ed essences. He thus established the position of logical realism—an assertion that universals and other ideas exist independently of our awareness of them—on one of the most vigorously disputed issues of medieval philosophy. † Source: Carpenter, Andrew N.â€Å"Western Philosophy. † Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 4 Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation 2005 (2) Epistemology, answering such questions as what does it means to know something? What is the difference between knowledge, belief, faith, absolute certainty and so on? I believe in the separate existence of universals or common properties of things. —an assertion that universals and other ideas exist independently of our awareness of them.It is my personal view that knowledge is another thing while faith must be different. Since when talking about knowledge, it starts from the mind and to be implemented physically, so its nature will be more materialistic. While Faith is another thing in a sense that it may not be necessarily materialistic, example is in the belief of God, whom we cannot see nor touch but just the strong belief and faith goes along with it. For me, when considering absolute certainly, it has something to do with our materialism and our materialistic society. Such as, when you throw a stone, it is certain that will go back to the ground, at a certain distance.While faith is more of the mind, never physical. The relationship with belief is that it may not be necessarily logical or scientific but you still believe on it. Faith is beyond reason. 4. â€Å"Aquinas: The subject treated in Aristotle’s Metaphysics (substance, causality, the nature of being, and the existence of God fixed the content of metaphysical speculations for centuries. Among the medieval Scholastic philosophers, metaphysics was known as the â€Å"transphysical science† on the assumption that, by means of it, the scholar Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 5Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 philosophically could make the transition from the physical and theologians St. Thomas Aquinas declared that the cognition of God, through a casual study of finite sensible beings, was the aim of metaphysics. With the rise of scientific study in the 16th century the reconciliation of science and faith in God became an increasingly important problem. † Source: â€Å"Metaphysics† Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005 (2) Epistemology, answering such questions as what does it means to know something?What is the difference between knowledge, belief, faith, absolute certainty and so on? Though, I don’t consider this proposal as the exact points of Aquinas. Because when talking about God, Truly it is not only faith but absolutely about the exact opposite of materialism. So, faith is not enough either, but you shall live with it. And that must be impossible in our materialistic society now. One example is, can you live without money? I stand that God and science are the exact opposite. My proposal is, â€Å"why look for food when the Omnipotent Being already provided us everything.† And when you say, so many are hungry†¦. blame Yourself, Man or Us. 5. Discartes: The most famous exponent of dualism was the French philosopher Rene’ Descartes, who maintained that body and mind are radically different entities and that they are only fundamental substances in the universe. Dualism, however, does now show how there basic entities are connected. Source: â€Å"Metaphysics. † Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005. Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 6Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 (1) What is the ultimate nature of reality, existence, or being. (2) Epistemology, answer ing such questions as what does it mean to know something? What is the difference between knowledge, belief, faith absolute certainty and so on? Both of these problems may not be the exact points of Dualism. Since the body, or the physical composition of man is like any material objects. While in the mind, where knowledge and faith resides, it is not material, I mean you cannot see or touch them. And I believe that is the â€Å"True Knowledge†.Descartes got it right, that body and mind are radically different entities. I believe that it is not only ideas or anything else which comes out of the mind, because it is a lot more. Such as no matter how scientist work for years to duplicate the human brain, I believe it is a useless endeavor because success is impossible. Because God is deep within us, and nobody could copy our Creator, the Omnipotent Being. You may create duplicates, but it is only physically and never the inside, because the Truth is in there†¦and it is not m ade of anything material. 6. Lucretius:He is an exponent of Classical Materialism.There are other more recent schools of metaphysics, which also versions of materialism. Although classical materialism seems at times naive in its scientific outlook, it is not altogether out of date. Classical Materialism is the standard variety of atomic materialism- the view that all that exist if composed of matter, matter is constituted by combination or juxtapositions of ultimate particles, which are called atoms and are solid, indestructible, ever-lasting, and Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 7Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 indivisible; and-for Lucretius-all there is in the universe is just matter, and empty space or vacuity. (1) What is the ultimate nature of reality, existence, or being? If Lucretius call it as Classical Materialism, I believe that is the same thing with the nature of reality, existence, or being. Since the Truth must be indestructi ble, ever-lasting and indivisible. But I wonder why he called it as Classical Materialism, since it might be the exact opposite of materialism. Because a wooden chair.Will have the atoms of a wood and no longer a chair, same thing also with a chair made of steel. And the human body after all is composed of its smallest parts the atoms of water? And who put them together to become what we are now, a human being. My answer is the Energy coming from a divine source, the Creator. Who knows absolutely and exactly who we are, male or female. Is it the same energy that binds this smallest particles together to form a certain entity, is the atoms we know today the smallest or is there something else much smaller than the atoms.Such that, it is not these atoms which matter but the energy that will combine or bind them together to create objects or materials. What is that energy all about. Where it came from, I believe it is an energy coming from an Omnipotent Being Lucretius only mentioned a bout the atoms, but matter cannot be formed with a single atom, it must be more than one and bound together at a certain energy. And what kind of energy is it, is it inherent between the atoms combining together. But I believe that energy comes from an Omnipotent Being and not from anything else.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

300 Word Essay on Freedom of Religio

300 Word Essay I chose freedom of religion because it is the one bill of rights that I believe has the broadest expansion in the constitution. I believe that everyone has the right to believe in a supernatural belief. That is why we have the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause. Which were established to keep the government from interfering with the exercise of religion. But in today’s time the government does have the right to limit the practice of a religion, but you still have the freedom to believe our own beliefs even if no else believes them.If the freedom of religion amendment wasn’t important to this country then it wouldn’t exists. We would have one religion where basically everyone would have the same religion and there wouldn’t be a diversity of cultures in the nation as there is today The right to have freedom of religion also lets us have and experience different cultures so we can learn and study how other people across the natio n believes and lives.To practice organize prayer in public schools across this country has been erased but the schools must allow their doors to be open after school hours for any religious activities to happen for those who need/want it. As I have just graduated high school and saw for myself how the schools have changed since this has occurred. I saw many young teens needing a religious figure in their life, to help them and to have a sense of hope to keep living a pure and clean life.In school we started a small group of students who wanted to meet together each morning to pray before we started the day, and we were told by are supervisor that we wouldn’t be able to do this in front of the students and had to find a location to take these kinds of activities. But sadly most have already taken the road of darkness and destruction and I’m scared for my children in the future. 300 Word Essay on Freedom of Religio 300 Word Essay I chose freedom of religion because it is the one bill of rights that I believe has the broadest expansion in the constitution. I believe that everyone has the right to believe in a supernatural belief. That is why we have the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause. Which were established to keep the government from interfering with the exercise of religion. But in today’s time the government does have the right to limit the practice of a religion, but you still have the freedom to believe our own beliefs even if no else believes them.If the freedom of religion amendment wasn’t important to this country then it wouldn’t exists. We would have one religion where basically everyone would have the same religion and there wouldn’t be a diversity of cultures in the nation as there is today The right to have freedom of religion also lets us have and experience different cultures so we can learn and study how other people across the natio n believes and lives.To practice organize prayer in public schools across this country has been erased but the schools must allow their doors to be open after school hours for any religious activities to happen for those who need/want it. As I have just graduated high school and saw for myself how the schools have changed since this has occurred. I saw many young teens needing a religious figure in their life, to help them and to have a sense of hope to keep living a pure and clean life.In school we started a small group of students who wanted to meet together each morning to pray before we started the day, and we were told by are supervisor that we wouldn’t be able to do this in front of the students and had to find a location to take these kinds of activities. But sadly most have already taken the road of darkness and destruction and I’m scared for my children in the future.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Literature Review of multinational cost of capital 2233 Essay

Literature Review of multinational cost of capital 2233 - Essay Example The common equity highlights the opportunity cost that is obtained from the funds and invest the amounts in other stocks. The cost exceeds the retained earnings as it includes the expenses that are linked with the sale of new stocks (Durand, 1963; Heston and Rouwenhorst, 1994). The cost of debt of a multinational can be measured easily as it incurs the interest expense that results from the borrowing funds. The multinationals are observed to use specific mix of capital components and employ appropriate capital structure, which has the ability to reduce its cost of capital (Kraus and Litzenberger, 1973). When cost of capital of multinationals is low, the rate of return on projects is also observed to be low. The companies predict their cost of capital before conducting any capital budgeting technique as they have to calculate their net present value of the project. This net present value is dependent on cost of capital (Kraus and Litzenberger, 1973). The multinational companies encounter intricate cost of capital problems as compared to their domestic counterparts. This complexity offers higher opportunity to the firms to reduce their cost of capital. In the last 50 years, the application of financial management has changed to a great extent. This is reflected on the ownership structure and size of the company. This has also altered the functions of financial systems and the instruments that are used for depicting the financial structure of the company (Modigliani and Miller, 1958). This research paper aims at highlighting the different aspects of multinational cost of capital by emphasising on the opinions of different authors. The multinational companies have the ability to raise capital for its operation from different capital markets around the world, despite its domestic opportunity. It is well identified that the multinational companies often encounter difficulty in the foreign country due to the difference in cost of capital between the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Decomposition Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decomposition - Lab Report Example Nutrient is beef broth plus yeast. Beech (fagus): - belongs to the family fagaceae. Leaves are entirely or sparsely toothed, 5 - 15 cms long and 4- 10 cm broad. Rate of decomposition is faster due to low lignin content, which is a decay resistant. Decay of leaves can be estimated by the change in 1. Their mass 2. Quality (which is calculated as ratio of C: N of decayed dry material. 3. Their chemical content. 4. Changes in soil or water, which act as medium. 5. Linear wave equation Wt = Wo - Kt where Wt = mass observed after specific time period, Wo = initial weight, K = decay constant. PAGE 2PREDICTION Rate of decomposition will increase with increase in temperature and will be negligible at very high and very low temperatures. METHODAgar jelly and mini-petri dishes were used. The agar had no feed in it. It was only used as a Base to keep the leaf circles in place. The leaf circles would act as food for the microbes to Grow on. To test different temperatures 5C, 20C, 30C and 65C were used. In each dish 10 leafcircles were put . Each leaf circle had a diameter of 5mm. To make sure that thisexperiment was safe, the lid was cello taped and wasn't opened till the experiment was over .The leaf circles were then observed during a 4-week period. Any change in size of the leafMaterial could be measured.Graph paper was put behind each petri dish when optimal temperature for microbial activity is between 35 to 45 degree C. Agar: - it is a phycocolloid extracted from red purple marine algae, which belong to class rhodophyceae. Agar is a gel at room temperature and remains firm at as high as 65 degree C. Nutrient agar will grow the largest number of different types of microbes fungi and bacteria. Nutrient is beef broth plus yeast. Beech (fagus): - belongs to the family fagaceae. Leaves are entirely or sparsely toothed, 5 - 15 cms long and 4- 10 cm broad. Rate of decomposition is faster due to low lignin content, which is a decay resistant. Based on the results above it can be said that decomposition at extreme high and extreme low temperatures is zero and the decay process increases with increase in temperature as depicted in the temperature vs. mean diameter graph. There is minimal or no microbial activity at extreme temperatures. There fore the process of decay is slow at such temperatures. Decaying process tends to be faster at warmer temperatures as it facilitates microbial growth therefore as the temperature increases the decayi9ng process also increases. 7. NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS: Adequate numbers of observations were not made. Instead of increasing the number of dishes to 10, less number of dishes should have been used and observations made at more frequent temperatures so that optimal temperature could be calculated, 8.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Criminal justice process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal justice process - Case Study Example accused witnesses, victims and police officers. The usual procedure has to be followed once the police commence criminal investigation. On the face of it seems that the Police in their eagerness to solve a crime and to charge George had flouted many accepted norms and procedures that ought to be followed while conducting a criminal investigation and taking in to custody a suspect for the alleged crime. Everyone is innocent till proved guilty. My advice to George about the proper procedure that should have been followed at the Police Station will be that in investigating a accused the police if thinks that he may be guilty takes him to the police station for questioning, if the police is reasonably convinced that the accused is involved then they can charge him and make a formal arrest. If the accused is minor then in that case the questioning by the police can be conducted in the presence of the guardian of the accused or any social worker. The accused at the Police Station is well w ithin his rights to ask for a solicitor. The Police can also procure a search warrant to search the premises of the accused and can interview the family, friends etc of the accused. The Police can question the accused up to 72 hours after that either the police can set the accused free or ask the magistrate for 24 hours more for the questioning of the accused. After that if the Police are convinced that there is enough evidence connecting the accused with the crime then in that case it will formally charge the accused. The accused has to be presented in a magistrate's court by the Police the next day and it is the magistrate's discretion to send the accused either in judicial custody or to release him on bail. To sum it up at the Police Station an accused has the right to be treated in a human manner and with respect, he has the right to see the written codes governing the legal rights of the accused, he has a right to speak to the custody officer, he has to be told about the reason of his arrest, a personal phone call by the accused may not be allowed but someone connected to the accused has to be notified by the Police, the accused has the right to consult with a solicitor in private. CPS CODE TESTS TO BE APPLIED IN THIS CASE : 1. Crown Prosecutors decide if a person should be and can be charged with a criminal offence, and then they decide on the nature of offence. The decisions in this regard are made by Crown Prosecutors as per the code and by also taking the Director's help on Charging. Police generally determine the charge, for minor and routine cases but they also have to apply the same provisions. 2. Charging in this case should be made according to the Full Code Test. If the evidence required for Full Code Test is not available then the Threshold test should be applied but the case should be reviewed according to the Full Code Test soon. If the Threshold Test applies in this case then it is fine otherwise the Crown Prosecution Service will only start or continue with a prosecution when the case has passed both stages of the Full Code Test. 3. The Crown Prosecutors should see whether there is enough evidence against the accused to charge him. It should be seen that whether the evidence can be used in court and is reliable. It should be further seen that if the evidence is sufficient to get a conviction against the accuse

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Art peried Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art peried - Assignment Example o flourished during the period between the two great wars, when the west face steep industrialization that had an outstanding impact on their culture, and it was unique style as it did embrace technology, in fact, this is the major distinguishable factor from the early organic motifs and the much-loved earlier style, the Art Nouveau. Sheumaker and Wajda (2008), Art Deco rejected excessive historicism, and instead relied on a style that suited the modern times, ad traversed very many field which included architecture, fashion, transportation, graphic design, furniture and amongst others. During this period, Art Deco was a symbol of opulence, mystique, and energy. Historical analysis of the style points to an architect Le Corbusier as the one who coined the term in 1925 to refer to arts expo during the same year. In the United States, the Empire State Building in New York architectural style had a heavy influence from the Art Deco style. The Art Deco has achieved a certain level of renaissance as more people opt to incorporate it bold and lavish colours to the comfort of their homes. In fact, the Art Deco is some of the latest trending ideas that could potentially be available throughout human existence on earth. The Art Deco provides an allowance for a creation of a genuinely unique home interiors and shows to the world creativity and sense of style. Art lovers do love to portray accents in Art Deco and turn rooms to spectacular pieces of arts. In decorate an interior, it is important to add the French chic into the present interior art, to match with the Room furniture and featuring straight lines or curvy shapes, monochromatic and contrasting color combinations. Further, exuberant finishes and lavish fabrics are added plus decoration outlines that have zigzags, stripes, chevrons. Finally to the living room, spare some prominent wallpaper patterns add drama and glamour  so that the modern interior design and hom e decorating achieves the style of the great Art

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Summary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Summary - Research Paper Example Qualified personnel enable the company to implement the stocking policy strictly and effectively. Application software application in inventory management ensures efficiency. Retail businesses face several challenges in inventory control and its operational management (Edward and Peter 12). This suits retail businesses with multiple locations or service providers (Agrawal 23). This ensures maintenance of inventory across the several locations of the business and service providers. The retail inventory planning and further inventory tracking for every retail business is vital in the entire process. This is possible through the use of inventory management systems (Quittner 14). This enable initiation and streamlining the inventory control system. An example is the scanning technology that uses wireless scanners. Inventory control, therefore, is principle in retail management success. Edward, Duplaga and Peter, Pinto.â€Å"Adapting production processes to respond to evolutionary changes in market conditions: a case study†. Production & Inventory Management Journal. 22 December, 2002. Web, 25 April,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discussion Questions( corporate governance& ethics) Essay - 1

Discussion Questions( corporate governance& ethics) - Essay Example Businesses subscribing to ethical behavior tend to gain tangible rewards in the sense that ethics not only portray any brand as being clean and above board, but they also streamline and organize the internal functioning of the businesses. Considering the contemporary business environment defined by a cut throat competition, ethical credentials endow businesses with sound and reliable USPs that eventually translate into an enhanced market share and big profits. Affiliation to credible ethics makes the consumers and the investors feel positive about any business and bolster its public perception as a business that is trustworthy and reliable. Respect for law, caring for environment, being punctual with customer care, being transparent and accessible are not mere pies in the sky, but are the very fundamentals that form the bedrock of any sustainable and profitable business. Market share, investor trust and brand appeal is primarily about perceptions and commitment to ethics influences the perception about any business with the consumers and the investors. Sound ethics endow any business with a strong brand appeal and investor's interest. Hence the businesses that subscribe to ethics stand to gain much in the long run. Allegiance to ethics always has a direct positive influence on the public perception, brand appeal, stock prices and market share. A dependable reputation is the ultimate reward that a business can harvest out of its ethical commitments. Answer 2: Corporate Governance Corporate governance is the overall vision that defines the direction and functioning of a corporation. The concept of corporate governance is dependent upon accountability in the sense that it lays down the respective duties and guidelines for the different human constituents of a corporation. Corporate governance elaborates the procedures and norms that are adhered to while making decisions in a corporation. Corporate governance directly influences the predominant moral order that has a direct bearing on the parameters used for assessing the final performance of a corporation and chalks out the strategies resorted to, to achieve the objectives cherished by a business. Broadly speaking corporate governance is about transparency, morality and accountability. The stakeholder approach of corporate governance is more closely aligned to the given definition. The conventional stockholder approach to corporate governance is utterly narrow in its scope. Stockholder approach to corporate governance assesses the performance of a corporation in terms of quarterly results, balance sheets, net profit and stock prices. Such an approach owes allegiance to just one entity that is the overall interest of the stockholder. The fact is that any corporation is run by humans and has a human face that is continually monitored by the society. Net profits cannot be and should not be used as the sole criteria for evaluating the performance o

Sunday, September 22, 2019

End of Course Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

End of Course Reflection - Essay Example I also learnt time management skills from the assignment deadlines and now I believe I am a better person than I was to join the corporate world. Conversely, the course was well structured as it included all aspects of learning that allowed as students to captivate knowledge and skills to mold our psychology as we go out to the job market (Harvard and Hodkinson, 2004). Personally, I have been elevated by the course since most of the stuff that I previously did not have interest in are currently my new passion. The course has modeled me in all aspects; educationally, socially and morally, thus I am in a better position to solve the current problems in the field and the world since the skills that I possess are enough to enable me come up with a formidable solutions to the current problems in the field. Finally, the course presented a challenge through its objectives, thus we as students had the obligation to satisfy the general goals of the course; I am glad that I have satisfactorily met a significant amount of the course responsibility and hope the knowledge will be of great importance in the practical field (Williamson,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Musical Impact Essay Example for Free

Musical Impact Essay In society today, music is shown to have an impact on ways of life. People within the society are raised with it in some way. Music is always present in society. It is natural then, to wonder about the origin of music. Music is a special type of sound and noises mixed in together. People create the meanings of these sounds and noises to create their own opinions and emotions of expressing themselves. Many people believed that music is created in the mind for this same reason. That we have the sounds and noises that are heard are within our own human being and along that, it can come once we are born with it. Although, this may not be true, due to the differences in today’s society, there are many aspects that can have a control of the musical taste of a person. Ones musical interests are not based on biology, rather the individual’s environment: community, culture, religion, and geography. First of all a community can effect an individual interest in music. The definition of a community is having the same beliefs, resources, needs and risks. When people tend to share and have the same interest they tend to also have the same interest in music. The term â€Å"community music† finds no more resonating tone than within minority groups working toward social acceptance and assimilation (Hayes 6). As shown in the International Journal we can see people tend to stick together in order to have the same identity and be accepted in the group. Also sharing the same risks and resources will help them have communication within each other, making it be easier on them to be able to relate. An example of this would be people in community, such as in Honduras, they have a lot of different beliefs. For example, in the burials, the community gathers around in order to their last goodbye to the deceased. Then they called upon a band, which in their thoughts mean that they celebrate the life of the deceased. They each sing and walk with the burial service and take them around. This event mentioned, to some may be disrespectful, but to Hondurans is a way to communicate with the dead. It shows that they respect him or her and show him or her that they are celebrating the life they had. Having communication in music brings to a community a better aspect to people and it is also very important for them. Yes, they can be sounds and noises to some, but many do not think that way. Like the people in Honduras, their beliefs are very important and they demonstrate them through music. Therefore, a community could determine a person’s interest in music because a community makes an individual do the same thing as other people. Another example would be, if a person listens to rock and they see that other people listen to it too, than they will would go ahead and hear it to. Secondly, culture is also another factor that influences music preferences on individuals. The culture of someone can affect the way of music choices. The two factors that generate culture will be academic knowledge and manners taught to each person (Yudkin 27). Each culture then possesses on its own musical language. This musical language reflects its own traditions, concerns, and activities; and in order to begin to understand the music of another culture, we need to understand something of the nature of its culture systems and the role the music plays in them (Yadkin 5). This is because many of the cultures have different academics and manners taught to them. An example is the culture would be of the Mandinka of Gambia in Senegal, they have a special musician leader, known as a jali. This leader is very important to the tribe due to that fact that he knows all the prayers and all the history of the tribe (Miller 44). As shown in this example each culture has its own special person and holds music as a special part of the community. The important part here is that a person needs to grow up somewhere. That place holds a significant knowledge making them a part of that culture group. With growing with them they hold a place within the culture. Music brings them all together making them communicate with each other easily and bring them normalcy. When this takes place the individual takes the musical knowledge and incorporates it into their system and beliefs. The beliefs that they incorporated can be seen in their academic areas. The literature, dance, and theater cannot go anywhere and do their expected ideas across without music. Music has to be in these areas in order to function well and be able to get the individuals culture across to the people. For example, dance cannot function without music. It gives the person the beats and the melody in order to create the feeling they want to get across to their audience (Miller 57). Dance also has different meanings in culture. A New Yorker can have a different rhythm than a person from China. This difference can be seen with the music they choose for their arts and their dance. It’s really difficult to be able to be prejudice to others cultures, because every culture is different. Music has that effect on society because it teaches the cultures and meanings of one’s society. The mixture of music to other society is also shown. Many of these arts can be seen throughout the world and from them people learn the differences in music. Music such as Jazz, Blues, and Gospels were produced when Europeans and Africans came together during the late nineteenth and twentieth century’s (Miller 61). Here we can see two cultures mixed in together and this is shown through their mix of their own music. Music can bring together worlds and is all due to its simplicity such as using their melodies and sounds. Music creates a new world for many people. The third factor that can affect the music choices of the individuals is the fact of one’s religion. Many religions do not allowed their followers to hear music from the outside world such hip-hop and rock. As said by Kong, â€Å"its nature is presented in a stylized and stereotypical fashion by the mass media the moral barricades are manned by bishops (Kong 104)†. An example of this is Christians and Catholics which have very different opinions regarding music. Christians is the larger group that includes Catholics. Christian women followers are not allowed to wear pants or the followers are not able to hear any type of music because in their regard they are preventing is a sin from them. While Catholic Church allowed their followers to wear their clothing with respect to God and be able to choose the type of music they listen to. As seen the music plays a big role due to the fact that Catholic churches make prayers into songs and sing them with their hearts, believing that God can be able to hear them (Miller kj187). While Christians cannot be able to do the same pray and sing to God due to the banned of music within their own. To many this is not unusual seeing the difference of worship. But once looked inside and see the music playing its role is different because it makes people think about what God thinks and which one he would prefer. If it is just music and prayers, then there is no music at all in its gatherings of worship. This is important because music can be seen playing a role in religions and making individuals having a different taste to the one with a Catholic follower. The religion of a person a can limit the person the knowledge of the evolution of the music outside their group. This can make it hard on them to relate to the others outside the society. The last and important factor that can make a difference in ones interest in music is the geography. Many people as seen can have different views and belief but geography make them have a different taste in music. We hear the melody, but we feel the beat. People in all cultures move their bodies to the rhythms of music, whether drumming, dancing, or rocking an infant (Silver and Trainer 2). This is important because a person in Los Angeles California will not have the same beats and rhythm as a person in London, Great Britain. Each part of the world is bound to have some type of music but the music differentiated in each part of the world. As mentioned in the seven themes of music geography â€Å"specific involvement with location of musical activities, such as the compositions and travels of their composers, rather than broader world distributions of regional delineations mentioned in Theme Two† (Nash and Carney 66). This means that even with culture and communities, music was first put into the field of geography due to the travels of the musicians and the spread of their ideas and tunes. This is important because it not only gives a way for questions to arise such the one that geography is the main factor as to the interest of music in humans. Due to the composers traveling, they spread around the ideas meaning that culture is affected and the belief is shaken with these ideas. The population of the countries is also a big factor because due to the fact that people are mixed together. People with different geography regions tend to have a different viewpoint of the world and music can be included in that. In conclusion this can be said, that these types of points can create music interest such one’s environment: community, culture, religion, and geography. This can be reasonable because people cannot be born with music interests. They are shaped by ones environment. People can have the same music interests if they shared the same belief and the same religion where they live. Music is very common in and around the world. Music is therefore a symbol to society because it represents the life and beliefs of people. Music can have a great impact on the life of people and this is important because this makes society. Music is evidently an important part of the lives of human beings. Music is reflected to our society we are in. The four aspects which are one’s community, culture, religion, and geography can determine each person’s interests in music rather than biological. Other factors can also relate to one’s musical preference, but the four aspects are the ones that are most common. Music is bound to be heard everywhere and without music the world would have hard times understanding things. Music is important to our world because it brings us together and also puts life and excitement. Music will always motivate people and will always be part of our lives. Without music, our society wouldn’t be the same including our feelings and impressions about it. Therefore, music brings happiness to our friends, and families, and all the people around the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Illegal Immigration in the US

Illegal Immigration in the US Illegal immigration has always been a controversial topic in the United States. Recently, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States exceeded 12 million. More than that, illegal immigrants are part of our society that includes colleagues, students, friends or even relatives. In most cases, illegal immigrants are portrayed as violent criminals, when in reality; Most of them are very poor and mainly from South America and Mexico, seeking only to meet their relatives in their country of origin families. Now the debate to give the right to obtain a drivers license for undocumented aliens was all over the news -Titles, especially with upcoming presidential elections. According to Fox News Online, â€Å"New Mexico, Utah and Washington are the only states that allow undocumented drivers to possess a drivers license. By giving a driver’s license to an undocumented worker will significantly reduce accidents hit and run, better monitoring of illegal immigrants and make our c ities. Regardless of their legal status, all permanent residents of the United States should be able to get a drivers license The idea of an undocumented alien to get a drivers license may seem unreasonable to some people. They believe that the issuance of a license will result in identity theft and other criminal activities. According to a recent article, a former officer of Immigration believes that â€Å"criminals often have multiple identities, hiding their true identities to escape detection when they are taken. This is a serious offense and can be not helpful. But the truth is that most undocumented workers who cross the border are not dangerous criminals , in fact , the same article states that It is only a relatively small amount of illegal immigrants who become involved in a serious business . In addition, the National Immigration Law Center says that â€Å"immigrants do not come to this country to get a license lead, and they will not leave because they are not eligible for one.† Finally, security is of great concern to many police officers who believe that the reason there are so many ac cidents of life is because undocumented workers are not having driving licenses and insurance of their vehicles, they hunt or flee the scene of the accident, which makes our roads dangerous. Obtaining a drivers license is not as easy in the United States than in other countries. Currently in Mexico, to obtain a drivers license, no written or road tests are required. As the money is paid right then the license will be issued the same day. Most of immigrants come from Mexico. Some of them will become legal permanent residents and eventually get a US drivers license. On the other hand, many others will drive without a license and will illegally stay in the country. That has a major security concern for many legitimate drivers and pedestrians in the United States. In addition, if an undocumented immigrant is able to obtain a license, then they must pass both a written and road test like everyone else , making them more fit to drive. According to a website that advocates for low-income immigrants, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety said that Unlicensed drivers are almost five times more likely to be in a fatal accident that holders of a valid driver’s license Some people would say that the license is a privilege, not a law. Yet these same people forget that the license is only allowed to drive a vehicle, not a proof of legal residence and / or paper. To get a job, a drivers license is not enough. A valid green card and a Social Security number is required to apply to any work of minimum basic wage. We are Americans and we live in the land of opportunity and freedom. Base driving privileges should not be denied based on citizenship. Each state is different, but now in the state of Massachusetts, a undocumented drive cannot get a license. On the other hand, the Massachusetts law permits a foreign driving license with their country of origin for one year. The reality is that undocumented immigrants represent about 12 million people in our country, and our economy would be greatly devastated if we lose all these workers. A new documentary called Food Inc. portrays certain illegal immigrants as hard workers. Work up to 12 hours a day, only to get paid about $ 2.00 an hour. The documentary has predicted that the loss or deportation of all undocumented workers would collapse our economic infrastructure. In addition, our cost of living would be higher. According to National Public Radio in 2005, â€Å"about 3 percent of undocumented workers are involved in agriculture, 33 percent have jobs in service industries, and a large number can be found in construction and related occupations (16 percent), and in the production, installation and repair (17 percent) .There workers contribute a lot to us agriculture and economy. By giving the right to obtain a license to any resident of the United States, regardless of legal status will benefit our law enforcement in many ways. By obtaining license, the interested candidate will have a photograph and address taken at the time of authorization obtained. This will greatly reduce identity fraud, which makes it easier to track someone if they were to commit a crime. In 2005, the Government Accountability Office concluded that the database drivers license, are much the same time as the Ministry of database Homeland Security to track immigrants. If we deny licenses to illegal immigrants then we simply increase the pool of state residents who are not in a database to track outstanding warrants , offenders alimony and security threats national. No matter what we do, undocumented immigrants will continue to drive without a license. Why not make our streets a little safer by giving them a license legally. We should put in place several mechanisms to fight against fra ud to improve the integrity of a license. This will include some safety features and fingerprints. Al in all, Global illegal immigrants obtaining a license will still be a taboo in the United States, because of all the racism and the current paranoia about foreigners who want to take advantage of the system. It just makes sense to give illegals the right to drive. This may not be so easy in the years to come. In 2008, Congress passed a bill called the Real ID Act to toughen the standards for issuing drivers licenses. This act would help block the sale of fraudulent identity such licenses or State ID S driver cards. A real identity card would be a birth certificate, social security number, date of birth, and identification number unique among other stringent requirements. The card would also have added security features such as a bar code, chip or even fingerprints. According to a researcher named CQ, this law states â€Å"All licenses are valid for federal purposes must comply Real ID in May 2013. Until now, till now â€Å"Seven state legislatures have voted against it and 25 o thers are considering opposing the bill† While the future of real ID act is still very uncertain , it will affect thousands of undocumented workers who wish to obtain a license at the national level . Work cited Clark, Stephen. States Revise Rules on Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants as National ID Approaches. Fox News. FOX News Network, 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Cutler, Michael W. â€Å"States Should Not Issue Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants.†Practical Argument.Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Boston: Bedford/ St Martin, 2011 24-26 Print. â€Å"Fact Sheet: Why Denying Driver’s Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants Harms Public Safety and Makes our Communities Less Secure.†National Immigration Law Center. Practical Argument. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Boston: Bedford/ St Martin, 2011 24-26 Print. Clark, Stephen. States Revise Rules on Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants as National ID Approaches.Fox News. FOX News Network, 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Katel, Peter. â€Å"Real Id will the new driver’s license law make Americans safer.†CQ Researcher.Ed. Colin J. Thomas and Kathy Koch. Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Inc., May 2007, Volume 17 Number 17. Print.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Margaret Rose Preston :: Essays Papers

Margaret Rose Preston 1875 – 1963 â€Å"†¦.. her restless temperament has discovered new themes, new colour arrangements, new sources of design-†¦ Her colour sence is unerring: sparsely added to form, or rich and harmonious. She never repears a motive, and her art, original and beautiful, is a complete expression of personality.† Lionel Lindsay, Addled Art, (1942), p.51. Her life†¦ Born in 1875 in Adelaide, South Australia. According to her own account, Margaret Rose Macpherson decided to become a painter when, aged twelve, she liked the smell of the floor polish in the New South Wales National Gallery. Margaret studied art in Sydney under W. Lister Lister, at the National Gallery School, Melbourne, and at the Adelaide School of Design. Shared second prize for painting in 1897. Took pupils of her own to support herself and save up for a study tour of Europe. In 1904 she went to Munich to attend the Government Art School for Women, going to Paris where she studied at the Musee Guimet and exhibited still lifes. After a brief return to Adelaide in 1907 she left again for Europe. After the outbreak of war in 1914, Margaret, with good friend Gladys Reynall, took lessons in pottery making at the London Polytechnic so that they could teach shell-shocked soldiers in the Seale-Hayne Military Neurological Hospital, Devonshire, where Reynell’s brother was working as a surgeon. In 1919, after returning to Australia by way of North America, she married William George Preston, a businessman, and settled in Sydney. The couple traveled extensively throughout Australia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Pacific Islands. Although well known for her decorative still lifes, she was also a skilful wood engraver and linocut printer. Her woodcut and linocut prints featuring Australian native plants have become very popular in recent years. A writer and lecturer of art, she was a champion of and influenced by Aboriginal bark paintings. She was a member of the Society of Artists, the Australian Art Association and the Contemporary Group, Sydney. At the Paris International Exhibition in 1937 she was awarded a silver medal. Influenced by other famous painters of the time like Cezanne as the greatest of the Moderns; Picasso as the greatest living Modern; and Matisse and Gaugin for their use of colour.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Race Relations in Modern American Society Essay -- Papers

Race Relations in Modern American Society Race relations are an ever prominent issue in American society. Controversies focusing around race are a commonly seen smeared across the front page of the newspaper or headlining on the evening news. The opposition is usually between a minority group and "The Man," a colloquialism used by many Blacks to refer to the overwhelming power stemming from white racist tendencies. This racial tension can sometimes can cause the oppressed to band together against the oppressor. Many times, the most prevalent link is between the African American community and the Latino community. Here we find two groups of people with very similar lifestyles who find camaraderie between themselves when dealing with America’s racism. Although the specifics may differ, the experiences of Blacks and Latinos, specifically Mexican Americans, has impacted the two communities very similarly. For example, many sociologists agree that the slavery experience is the cause of many problems Black America has today. Things such as "Black on Black" crime, broken homes, high poverty levels and drug problems are believed to have links back to slavery. Much like Blacks, Mexican Americans have problems in their communities today that stem from their dealing with immigration in this country. Their problems still exist greatly because immigration is still going on between Mexico and America. The affects of slavery and illegal immigration began many years ago, continued throughout history and continue into today’s culture. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, Blacks were oppressed with the use of Black Codes followed by the implementation of Jim Crow laws and segregation. These acts of racism have since be. .. ...welfare, those who are gang affiliated, the drug users and those that live in run-down, crowded tenements who suffer from tuberculosis and depression. It forgets the many who are forced to work in sweatshops and live below poverty level. Secondly, the Model Minority Myth is a dangerous concept because Asian Americans are alienated from the majority race as well as the minority race pool. They are still perceived by white America as outsiders yet are set up for resentment by other minorities. This makes life hard for the Asian American that achieves because he is almost forced to turn against his other brothers and sisters of color. This is detrimental to the well-being of the Asian American in this country. This concept should not be used to describe the modern Asian American and should be recognized as a stereotype like any other in our society.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Classroom Management :: Papers

Classroom Management I have observed my mentor using this style of classroom management. It is a method of behaviour management pioneered by Lee and Marlene Cantor. The goal of assertive discipline is to teach students to choose responsible behaviour and in so doing raise their self-esteem. This in turn should lead to an increase in their academic success. Having a good classroom environment in which to teach gives the pupil the best possible chance of learning effectively. A basic principle of assertive discipline is that pupils need to know your behavioural expectations. They must be given limits and the teacher must be consistent in his / her approach at all times. Pupils need positive recognition and support as well as discipline so that they are motivated to behave well. It is very easy to criticise a pupil for being badly behaved but most teachers fail to comment on good, appropriate behaviour. The teacher who uses assertive discipline effectively has a classroom plan, which she shares with pupils so that they are clear about the consequences of their actions. The teacher will have a list of classroom rules on display and will remind the pupils what they are at the start of the lesson. (Appendix 1) The rules in Mrs. Ward's class are: 1.Follow directions first time given. 2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 3. No swearing, teasing, name-calling or put-downs. 4. Do not interrupt when someone else is speaking. The consequences of choosing to ignore these rules are: First time a rule is broken: Warning Second time: Wait outside the classroom for 1 minute Third time: Wait outside the classroom for 2 minutes Fourth time: Phone call to parents Fifth time: Sent to head teacher The classroom discipline consists of three main parts: 1. Rules that pupils must follow at all times. 2. Positive recognition that pupils will receive for following the rules. 3. Classroom Management :: Papers Classroom Management I have observed my mentor using this style of classroom management. It is a method of behaviour management pioneered by Lee and Marlene Cantor. The goal of assertive discipline is to teach students to choose responsible behaviour and in so doing raise their self-esteem. This in turn should lead to an increase in their academic success. Having a good classroom environment in which to teach gives the pupil the best possible chance of learning effectively. A basic principle of assertive discipline is that pupils need to know your behavioural expectations. They must be given limits and the teacher must be consistent in his / her approach at all times. Pupils need positive recognition and support as well as discipline so that they are motivated to behave well. It is very easy to criticise a pupil for being badly behaved but most teachers fail to comment on good, appropriate behaviour. The teacher who uses assertive discipline effectively has a classroom plan, which she shares with pupils so that they are clear about the consequences of their actions. The teacher will have a list of classroom rules on display and will remind the pupils what they are at the start of the lesson. (Appendix 1) The rules in Mrs. Ward's class are: 1.Follow directions first time given. 2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 3. No swearing, teasing, name-calling or put-downs. 4. Do not interrupt when someone else is speaking. The consequences of choosing to ignore these rules are: First time a rule is broken: Warning Second time: Wait outside the classroom for 1 minute Third time: Wait outside the classroom for 2 minutes Fourth time: Phone call to parents Fifth time: Sent to head teacher The classroom discipline consists of three main parts: 1. Rules that pupils must follow at all times. 2. Positive recognition that pupils will receive for following the rules. 3.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Influential People

There are a couple of people in my life today I could relate as having an influence on my life. My Grandparents, my mother and certain friends I have known a while and only seen now that some attributes I have, are because of them. Most times we as people try to think we have built ourselves up in a certain way without realizing that we are a certain way or choose not to do certain things because the people in our lives have had an influence on us. It has taken me twenty years to appreciate what an amazing influence my mother has been on my life. I didn’t know my mother well until I was 15 years old. She left when I was five to pursue her bachelor’s degree and masters in pharmacy in Bulgaria. She would come eventually for holidays when she could but all her visits seem very vague to me. Her being away for such a long time had in some way caused the divorce to happen between her and my father. I could tell it was a very hard time for her but gradually she began to support herself and got back on her feet. My mother has had an incredible influence on making me the person that I am today. Because of her, I am very hard working, I stay motivated and determined and I am a go getter. My mother showed me her enthusiasm through her hard work. I was ten years old when my I made my first decision about what I wanted to study in college. I had looked forward to going to study law and become an attorney. Slowly, that image started to fade out. By the time I was a teenager, I realized just how much I wanted to work hard and become a lawyer. I began to notice the hard work my mother put into her job and how enthusiastic she was. She had such a strong work ethic and kept going no matter what came her way. My mother is a pharmacist and has five jobs. I do not know where she gets the energy from but she manages being a pharmacist, teaching part-time pharmacy classes, sitting on the Board of Directors for the Ministry of Health, working part time in a private hospital and working part time in a pharmacy. I vividly remember listening to one of my mother’s conversations especially so because I never wanted to listen to what she had to say to I most time. She told me how she felt suppressed in her marriage before her divorce. She began to realize the only way to make it and reach the top is to work hard in school and at the workplace and be the best you can be. She has clearly demonstrated this to me over the past couple of years and because of that I continue to work hard not only in school but at work as well. I can now definitely notice how people appreciate my good work ethics and instructors tell me how I wrote a good essay for instance or commend me on my work in class. And all this is attributed to my mother and how hard working she is. I treasure the various worlds my mother has opened to me because she has time and time again shown me how to stay motivated. I remember when she returned from Europe and she and my father explained how they would no longer be together. That crushed my world but more than anything I know how it crushed my mother. However, despite all that, she continued to strive and stay motivated and she has achieved so much more now because of that. My life has been equally transformed by what she has shown me. When it comes to be being motivated, I am forever grateful to my mum because I learned how to keep trying even when I failed. I now know I can achieve what I hope to be if I stay motivated and optimistic in life. There is a famous saying that life is short, I believe life is what you make out of it and staying motivated does add value to accomplishing great things. I still find it fascinating how my mother can get what she wants because she always determined. She influenced me to know that if I am motivated and determined, I can achieve what I set my goals to be in life. Now I realize the importance of being focused in life, being humble and respectful and taking every opportunity I can because it could lead to something great. She says having a good family and home is a privilege but placing me in line to achieve great things is having the mind of a go-getter. In conclusion, I know many of the attributes, attitudes and skills are largely influenced by my mother. She has shown me how to be a hard worker because it really does pay off in the long run. She also had shown me that being determined and motivated can take me to faraway places than I could ever imagine and that having the mind of a Go-getter allows me to push myself and will benefit me with time to come.

Public Health and Health Care Essay

Public health is one the of the science that improves and protects the health care of the communities and families through promotions of healthy lifestyles, research for injury and disease prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases. Public health professionals try and prevent issues from happening or recurring through implementing educational programs recommending policies, manage services and conducting research. Such as contrast to clinical professionals doctors, and nurses, who will focus primarily on treating people after they become injured or ill. Public health also works to limit health care disparities. A greater part of public health is promoting health care equity, accessibility and quality (International Health Conference, 1946). How CDC Contributes to Public Health The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the nation’s disease prevention and wellness promotion agency, protecting individual’s safety and health, giving credible information to enhance health care decisions, and improving health care through strong organization. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) work includes wide range health care threats, including infectious chronic diseases, birth defects, injuries, water safety food, environmental hazards, safety and occupational health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also administers funding for local health departments and state, community based companies and academic institutions for a wide array of public health programs and research. Daily Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) experts work both behind the scenes and on the frontlines to improve individual’s daily lives and respond to health care emergencies. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is h eadquartered in Atlanta and has just about 14,000,  full-time, part-time and contract employees located all through the U.S. and in 54 countries (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Specific Ways CDC Influence/ Roles of CDC Agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) contribute with its partner around the world to detect and investigate health care problems, monitor health, conduct research to enhance prevention, develop and advocate sound public health policies, and provide leadership and training. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) develops a system design recognizing information and sources that best tackle a surveillance goal, be familiar with who will have rights to use information, by what technique and under what circumstances; also improving analysis or action by improving the surveillance system communication with other information systems Using data group recognizing possible bias linked with another collection technique cultural approach in the direction of technology or telephone use, recognizing suitable use of structured data compared with free text, more useful, data standards and language and suggest technologies such as global radio-frequency and positioning systems i dentification to maintain faster, higher-quality data and easier, access in the field. Information management and collation recognize ways to share data across different computing technology proposal linking new information with data from legacy systems; and be familiar with and remedying information quality issues as making certain information security and privacy. â€Å"Analysis recognize suitable statistical and image applications, put together algorithms to prepare users to aberrations within health care events also leveraging high routine computational resources for large data sets or difficult analyses† (Dixon, Gamache, & Grannis, 2013). Understanding the value of evaluate information from one surveillance plan with other information time, place, person, or condition for new viewpoint and merge data of other quality to give a background for explanation and foundation. Diffusion suggest suitable let somebody see information users and the best technique to reach the proposed audience, smooth the progress of data finding; and recognize benefits for information providers (Lundstrom, Pugliese, Bartley, Cox, & Guither, 2002). Application to public health programs assessing the utility of having surveillance data directly flow into information systems that support public health interventions and information elements or standards that facilitate this linkage of surveillance to action and improving access to and use of information produced by a surveillance system for workers in the field and health-care providers (Dixon, Gamache, & Grannis, 2013).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Alice Walker Uses Symbolism to Address Three Issues Essay

Born on February 9, 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, Alice Malsenior Walker was the eighth and youngest child of poor sharecroppers. Her father’s great-great-great grandmother, Mary Poole was a slave, forced to walk from Virginia to Georgia with a baby in each arm. Walker is deeply proud of her cultural heritage. In addition to her literary talents Walker was involved in the civil rights movement in the 1960’s, walking door-to-door promoting voter’s registration among the rural poor. Walker was present to see Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream† speech. â€Å"In August 1963 Alice traveled to Washington D. C. to take part in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Perched in a tree limb to try to get a view, Alice couldn’t see much of the main podium, but was able to hear Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream† address. † (Alice Walker Biography) Walker is a vegetarian involved in many other issues, including nuclear proliferation, and the environment. Her insight to African American culture comes from her travel and experiences in both America and Africa. Walker is an activist regarding oppression and power, championing victims of racism and sexism. After her precedent setting, and controversial thirteen-year marriage to a white, Jewish, civil rights lawyer, Alice fell in love with Robert Allen, editor of â€Å"Black Scholar. † â€Å"She is currently living in Mendocino, California and is exploring her bi-sexuality. † Alice Walker’s first novel, â€Å"The Third Life of Grange Copeland† was published the week her daughter was born. Walker received praise for this work, but also criticism for dealing too harshly with the male characters in the book. Walker’s best-known novel, â€Å"The Color Purple† won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982, and was made into a movie. Walker was the first black author honored by a Pulitzer. In Celie’s letters to God, she tells her story about her role as wife, mother, daughter, and sister, and other women who help shape her life. Walker portrays Africa in a positive way, and looks to it as a form of artistic and ideological expression. Walker was also criticized for her portrayal of men, often as violent rapists and wife beaters. Even as she portrays men, often in a bad light, she likes to focus on the strength of women. In her story, â€Å"Everyday Use† Alice Walker uses symbolism to address three main issues: racism, feminism and the black American’s search for cultural identity. The story â€Å"Everyday Use† is set in the late ’60s or early ’70s and the setting is an impoverished home in Georgia. The critical analysis of â€Å"Everyday Use† from the web site Sistahspace presented the following interpretation: This was a time, when African-Americans were struggling to define their personal identities in cultural terms. The term â€Å"Negro† had been recently removed from the vocabulary, and had been replaced with â€Å"Black. † There was â€Å"Black Power,† â€Å"Black Nationalism,† and â€Å"Black Pride. † Many blacks wanted to rediscover their African roots, and were ready to reject and deny their American heritage, which was filled with stories of pain and injustice. â€Å"Alice Walker is, as David Cowart argues, â€Å"[satirizing] the heady rhetoric of late ’60s black consciousness, deconstructing its pieties (especially the rediscovery of Africa) and asserting neglected values† (Cowart, 182). â€Å"The central theme of the story concerns the way in which an individual understands his present life in relation to the traditions of his people and culture. † (Sistahspace) â€Å"Everyday Use† depicts a poor, illiterate black mother who rejects the shallow Black Power ideals of her older, outspoken daughter, Dee, in favor of the practical values of her younger, less privileged daughter, Maggie. Mama is the orator, and like griots from tribes in Africa, she perpetuates the oral traditions and history of the family. Mama’s upbeat self-image in spite of little formal education, leads the reader to feel the intense pride she has in maintaining self-sufficiency. As discussed in David White’s critical analysis of (â€Å"‘Everyday Use†: Defining African-American Heritage), Mama’s lack of formal education does not prevent her from formulating a sense of heritage unattached to the â€Å"Black Power† movement held by her, purportedly educated, daughter Dee. Mama’s daughter, Dee (Wangero), has a much more superficial idea of heritage. She is portrayed as bright, beautiful, and self-centered. Maggie is the younger daughter, who lives with Mama. She is scared and ashamed, lying back in corners, cowering away from people. (White, David) (â€Å"‘Everyday Use’: Defining African-American Heritage. â€Å") Maggie understands her heritage, and appreciates the significance of everyday things in the house. She is uneducated, and not in the least outspoken, and is unable to make eye contact. Maggie has stooped posture and walks with a shuffle, this, combined with her inability to look you in the eye, points to her vulnerability in dealing with newfound black rights. Mama’s daughter Dee, who is portrayed as quite successful, has come home to visit and display her new African style heritage. Dee has adopted things African and has changed her name to Wangero. As she handles the everyday articles fashioned and used by previous generations, she believes they should be displayed to her white girlfriends, especially the old quilts made by Mama, her sister and her mother. Mama has promised the quilts to Maggie but Dee says, â€Å"Maggie does not understand their value and would just put them to everyday use. † (Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use†) Mama must decide which daughter should receive the family quilts. Finally, Mama realizes that her daughter, Maggie, has a closer connection with her view of family history than Dee does and gives her the quilts. This is the first time Mama has asserted any authority over Dee. On a deeper level, Alice Walker is exploring the concepts of racism and the evolution of Black Society following the end of slavery, through the era of Martin Luther King, and finally to the Black Power movement in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Maggie, Mama, Dee/Wangaro and Hakim-a Barber, symbolize this. Mama is illiterate, because her school closed when she was in the second grade. The role of black Americans in the late 1920s is best illustrated by Mama’s line, â€Å"School was closed down. Don’t ask me why: in 1927 colored asked fewer questions that they do now†¦ † (Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use†) When Mama describes the old house, burning down it symbolizes the ending of slavery and the decreed civil rights. The scars that Mamma’s daughter Maggie, bear are representative of the pain of the past and difficulty in moving from the role of subservience to equality. Maggie has difficulty looking â€Å"you† in the eye just as the American Negro had difficulty moving from the subservient role to peer in dealings with whites. Maggie’s head down on the chest at first appears as an as shame for her scars from the house fire, but they come to symbolize a person caught in the old black paradigm, unable to embrace newfound freedoms in society. The fire of slavery has damaged Maggie and she resigns herself to a transitional cultural existence, neither old nor new. Mama represents the ideals of Martin Luther King through her dream of going on the Johnny Carson show to meet Dee. She embraces the idea of this fantasy and takes pleasure in replaying it in her mind. Ultimately, Mamma is thrust back to the reality that it will never happen, just as she seems to resign herself to the fact that King’s dreams are not real for her generation but for the next.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Literature as a Looking Glass

Perhaps it is the aim of every storyteller to leave their reader a little changed after having read the tales they so carefully weave.   But how many authors can actually achieve this? Leaving their audience with a story that broadens the mind, asks deep questions, and probes into the way we work is not easily done.   The ability to move us from one plane to another is what distinguishes a really great writer from a storyteller.   For many, Stephen King is such an author.   Some may say even more so because of the use of his genre of the fantastical, the horrific and the gruesome. Exploring the darker parts of our psyches, and our everyday lives, he manages to lead us along the path to contemplate difficult social questions. Always leaving them open for us to determine the answers for ourselves.In a comparison of his two works, The Long Green Mile and Hearts of Atlantis, we can explore his use of the fantastical as an opportunity to raise thought provoking social questions.   Although both books, also interestingly both written as a series, are very different in nature, they share the common theme of finding the extraordinary in ordinary life.   Each book finds the hero that seems to hide in everyday circumstances while at the same time forcing us to look at several of the factors that shape our lives, for the good or the bad. As mentioned by Jonathan Davis in his work, Stephen King’s America, â€Å"While some of his stories focus more on one area than others, a close reading of his works will often show that King seldom fails to include a wide view of American society.† (Davis)The Long Green Mile is a prime example of King’s use of storytelling as social commentary.   In the book the main characters are themselves symbols of the society in which we live.   John Coffey, and innocent man sent to death row for a crime he didn’t commit. Is it because he is simple, or because he is black? As Sharon Russell states in her c ritical review, Revisiting Stephen King , â€Å"While Coffey dominates the action, he remains an enigma, a symbol of a good beyond understanding.† (Russell)And his mysterious gift to heal is starkly contrasted with William Wharton’s ability to destroy.   Just as Coffey is the symbol for good, so is Wharton the symbol for evil.Moreover, the underlying theme that resonates throughout the book is just that; the nature of good and evil. And Stephen King shows us how that battle rages in many arenas of our lives. One obvious question is that of racism. Was Coffey found guilty because he was black? Another character in the story, a white business man, was released from a murder he obviously committed. There was nothing to point to Coffey but the fact that he was found with the girls. Was racism a factor?Also, the question of the death penalty raises its head several times. Delacroix, a horrible man, suffered death in the electric chair. However, the brine filled sponge tha t was supposed to make the electrocution quick and painless was omitted purposefully by one of the jailers. This resulted in a horrific and torturous death by Delacroix.   Was his suffering justifiable?Delving a little more deeply we probe the seemingly senseless death of Janice who had just escaped death by the miraculous hands of Coffey.   After all the trouble and the wondrous miracle that saved her life, to die in a bus accident leaves lingering questions of human justice versus divine justice.Similarly, in Hearts of Atlantis   King dances the fine line between fantasy and reality, although in a different way.   Although some of the characters are recurring, we are able to see them forming the opinions and beliefs that will be the basis of their actions in the future. Also, again King explores the realm and power of childhood.   In The Long Green Mile Coffey is used and explored as childlike and also, interestingly, he is the one that has the mystical and unquestioned healing power.   In Hearts of Atlantis   we see the children as they are and watch their struggle with reality and fantasy defines them.Those transitional moments are very apparent in the first story of Bobby and Carol.   Bobby was an everyday hero, Stephen King style. The ordinary fabric of society, hiding hero’s in every thread.   However, King goes one step further by reintroducing the few key characters throughout a string of seemingly unrelated stories.   By doing this he shows us the connectivity of individuals. How the actions we make today have huge impacts on others and shape their lives. Bobby’s bravery inspired Carol’s courage to stand up for what she believed later in life.By looking closely at the lives of the characters we could see how the past could have drastic effects on the future. Although with the case of Carol it empowers her, it is not the same for everyone. This is illustrated in the story, â€Å"Blind Willie†.   Bill r elives each day trying to resolve the regret for his past actions. We see the old baseball glove of Bobby’s that Blind Willie uses to collect the money he earns as a broken Vietnam veteran while his wife and family believe him to be a successful business man busy at the office.   Willie tries to find answers by living a double life.Moreover, King uses the opportunity to stir up a social commentary on the effects the Vietnam War had on people specifically and then society as a whole.   He uses the series of stories to look at different aspects of reaction. From the earliest stages, when war is just playing in the background, as in the case with Bobby in â€Å"Low Men in Yellow Coats† and then also with young adults drifting in and out of adulthood and drafting such as was portrayed in â€Å"Hearts in Atlantis†.Although it seems to be a simple peek into the issues that concern college aged kids trying to leap into adulthood, the story sells its moral in the en d, as stated by Russell, â€Å"The story ends with an incident long after the main events—a reunion between Pete and one of his college friends. No matter what happened, they both agree that they tried during that period. They were not the big heroes, but they did something—just as Bobby saved Carol but failed with Ted. King suggests that any positive action is important even if it is not truly heroic.† (Russell)Davis, Johnathan. Stephen king's America. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University, 1994.Russell, Sharon. Revisiting Stephen King. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.Davis, Johnathan. Stephen king's America. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University, 1994.Russell, Sharon. Revisiting Stephen King. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.In this way, everyone has the opportunity to be a type of hero, no matter how small the action, the effects can be long lasting.While an extensive look at any author’s works reveals a repeating and recurring the me or message that appears to be central in their writing, it is Stephen King’s use of his particular genre that continually draws in his readers again and again.   The parallel of the darker side of humanity with the fantastical opens windows to explore and question the reasons we think, act and believe as we do.   Perhaps it is just that use of the darker and less explored side of humanity that holds such a fascination.Russell   comments,   â€Å"The ongoing battle in King’s fantastic universe to follow the beam and keep the world from falling apart is mirrored by later actions in the real world.†   So, in addition to his use of the genre to explore our social fabric,   his consistent use of our interconnectedness and how the past affects the present are major recurring themes.   By playing on our fears and opening up our minds to the impossible, we are able to look openly at issues that affect our lives without judgment, and perhaps emerge a bet ter person.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Reports for ODE Complaints Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reports for ODE Complaints - Essay Example There is one major issue in the case of the District. The District accepted that it has not given specialized education services, as illustrated by the IPEs (Mitchell, 2012). This was due to inadequate competent staffs, to provide the specialized services. The District and the Special Education director did not adhere to the principles of IDEA. The District must have free and appropriate education. The specialized education services must be entirely provided at the expense of the public. Adequate evaluation should be provided to every child who is suspected to have disability. The District did not conduct the evaluation exercise, to determine the number of children with disabilities, and the nature of the disabilities. Due to inadequate staffs, the IEP was not effectively implemented. The IEP illustrates the obligation of the public agency to provide specialized services. Only a few students benefited, and many lesson hours were missed. Learners with disabilities must adequately access the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). This is through effective use of the general education classes and curriculum. The district is presently underway to hire an agency that can effectively provide the general curriculum and classes. This is because the agencies are competently equipped to offer the specialized services. Adequate participation of both parents and students in the decision making process should be ensured. The parents seems to understand the benefits of the specialized education to learners wit h disabilities. This is the reason why they filed a complaint against the District for the poor implementation of the special education program. The procedural safeguards are weak in the District (Mitchell, 2012). This is because the children with disabilities do not receive special education, in an appropriate environment. The findings illustrate that the district did not adhere to the IEPs. This is by failing to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Power Relations and the Reporting of International News Essay

Power Relations and the Reporting of International News - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that globalization has brought huge changes in this world. Virtually, there are no life segments in which globalization failed to make an impact. In politics, economics, education, business as well as in social and cultural activities, globalization has brought huge changes. Journalism or reporting of international news is another area in which globalization was able to bring significant changes. It should be noted that the power relations have been changed drastically after the collapse of former the Soviet Union. Earlier, America and the Soviet Union were the undisputed superpowers in this world and the majority of the other countries were keen on establishing the political relationship with these countries. It should be noted that majority of the communist countries took aside of the Soviet Union whereas a majority of the capitalist countries joined hands with America during the cold war period. As a result of that, the media in differen t countries started to make and report news wither in favor of America or in favor of Soviet Union, based on the political relationship of their mother country with the superpowers. In other words, neutrality in the reporting of international news has been severely damaged during the cold war period. At the same time, the destruction of Soviet Union, as well as the introduction of globalization, has changed the reporting of international news drastically. America became the undisputed leader in global politics after the destruction of Soviet Union, even though China is rapidly becoming the second superpower in the world. Moreover, â€Å"the forces of  resurgent market liberalism, the decline of public service broadcasting, the global collapse of dictatorships and the outbreak of the so-called ‘catching up’ or ‘velvet’ revolutions of 1989-1991† have contributed heavily to the changes in the global reporting styles. In short, the rapid changes in the global political and economic spectra have contributed heavily to the changes in the reporting of international events.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Informative report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Informative report - Assignment Example The requirements including applicants’ eligibility, whether all application materials were turned in by the deadline, whether the applicant achieves the minimum standard scores on all evaluations and importantly whether he/she displays positive behavior, attitude as well as commitment to completing the college program. (Gateway to College). FRCC office also offers financial aid to the students to pay their tuition and other fees. To get that aid, the students need to have certain eligibility conditions. Apart from being a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident, they have to be classified as a Colorado resident as well. In addition, they need to have high school diploma, or pass the ACCUPLACER test. Importantly, they should have a â€Å"good standing in accordance with Front Range Community College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.† (Financial Aid) Choosing a career is one of the most crucial decisions that will be taken by the students in their lives. To aid in taking that crucial decision, FRCC has in-house career counselors, who can aid the students. So, the students can schedule an appointment with these counselors, who will surely aid them in exploring various options and then focusing on one. There are also career assessment tools or softwares, which can aid the students in selecting their

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Team Evaluation Tool Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Team Evaluation Tool - Assignment Example Various tools can be used to help in achieving quality based team performance. One of the tools that prove to be more useful is brainstorming. Every team has both strengths and weaknesses, which highly influence the direction of the organization. Brainstorming in the team will help identify strengths and areas that need improvement (Glasman, 1986). Brainstorming helps to come up with proper suggestions on better ways for improving team performance. In connection to the above, brainstorming improves leadership performance, as a leader will identify the areas that need more concentration. When the deficiencies have been identified, then the team and the manager will proceed in implementing them hence quality and strong leadership and team performance (Parry, 1997). Performance appraisal is another useful tool that can be utilized to help in evaluating the team as well as the leadership performance. The performance evaluation allows both the management and the individual team players identify their strengths and weaknesses. The method gives space for better and quality team performance and leadership performance (Narayan-Parker, 1993). Barksdale, S., Lund, T., & American Society for Training and Development. (2001). Rapid evaluation: Tools, worksheets, and job aids to help you: develop an evaluation strategy, use the right evaluation approach, understand, and analyze evaluation data. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training &

Monday, September 9, 2019

U decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U decide - Essay Example He insisted that if the research is basically aimed at bringing a cure to the existing diseases, this will not remedy the future health needs because the same diseases will keep recurring in the future (Bostrom and Roache 3). However, Gregory states that, â€Å"the desire to triumph over our own mortality is an ancient dream though it never stands alone† (Stock 9). This means that by focusing on creation of a stronger and healthier human species will require the effort of the researchers and the entire population to focus on applying the appropriate technology to ensure that there is attainment of gains in the life expectancy of human beings and to ensure that it slows down the rate of human aging. He notes that aging is the main cause of death of human beings in many nations and the researchers will efficiently deal with this if they focus on improving the human species in a way that they become old without aging and ensuring that they are able to live longer. Human beings will therefore remain fit and healthy indefinitely. Stock also supports his stand by explaining that if researchers focus on improving the health status of the human species, it will result to improvement of health capabilities ensuring that the physical capabilities of the human species are improved. This will involve improving the bodily capacities including dexterity, strength, coordination and conditioning. He also argues that the improvements in the human species will come along with attributes of personality improvement and though these conditions are not classified as diseases, they will be part of the positive results obtained from the process. An example of this will be that people who are compulsi ve will become more relaxed and those that have a low self-esteem will become more confident. Another positive result that Stock argued would result from the improvement of the human species would be the cognitive capacities. The resulting

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Education - Essay Example As such, the shareholders within the university system can bolster the extent to which they can engage with prospective students by applying management concepts to the way in which a defined and effective strategy can be engaged. For instance, when a strategy is put together by a group of shareholders who are not in constant communication with one another and are aware of the ultimate goal that is to be effected, a type of non specific result that does not maximize potential is almost guaranteed. However, when shareholders are brought together and the goals are clearly defined and elaborated, a type of group collaboration between all of the elements seeking to increase student attraction within the university is greatly enhanced. For this reason, understanding management concepts and the means by which collective work can be accomplished under the guiding rubric of effective management can expressly enhance the rate and effectiveness of key business level decisions. How do you think planning in today’s organizations compares to planning 25 years ago? Do you think planning become s more important or less important in a world where everything is changing fast and crises are a regular part of organization life ? Why? With regards to 25 years ago, planning has become much more integrated into the business process. For instance, 25 years ago, the rate of change that a given organization or business might experience was somewhat limited. Due to this fact, the need to expert planning was necessarily reduced as a result of the relatively slower pace that external change was exhibited within the operational environment. With regards to the importance of planning now as compared to previously, it is the strong belief of this author that the need for planning has become even stronger in a world where sudden and unexpected change can rapidly redefine the operational environment. The main reason for this is due to the fact that only through planning can the firm or e ntity hope to gain a competitive advantage and seek to anticipate some of the changes that might be upcoming in the very near future. Though one might be tempted to believe that since change is so rapid and unexpected within the current model that planning is non necessitated, the fact of the matter is that the rapid level of change implores the entity or organization to take an even more aggressive approach to planning than an environment in which change occurs slowly and gradually. For this reason, integrating an appropriate level of planning at each and every level of an organization is a primary function that can help to determine whether or not the entity will be able to survive the changes that it must integrate with. Chapter 8: Analyze three decisions you made over the past six months. Which of these were programmed and which were nonprogrammer? Which model- the classical, administrative, or political- best describes the approach you took to make each decision? The three deci sions that have been chosen for analysis within the context of this particular question are as follows: locating and renting an apartment, deciding upon what course selection would maximize efficiency, and considering picking up a minor field of study while in university. As such, all of these decisions which will be analyzed represent non-programmed choices

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Business Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Plan - Research Paper Example Customers would be able to connect to an employee of the company who in turn would manage the customer’s account. The company would maintain a flat structure of organization with efficient use of low cost solutions to meet customer’s demands. The core value of the company lies in the fact that the employees in the company can be connected from anywhere behaving as virtual neighbors. With targets to meet profits by the end of the fourth year from the commencement of the business, the company has plans to expand its workforce thereafter. Presently, the capital required for starting up would be managed from the partners and later on, additional amounts would be collected through loans and other agreements. The company has made detailed study on the different factors like seasonal factors, technological factors, other regulatory issues that may affect the business. This has helped it to be prepared accordingly. It wants to utilize the environment where social networking is widely being accepted and used, and thus wants to expand the business based on the market condition to serve the farmers. Geographically, Midwest has been chosen by the company as its target market, covering the area from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the Mississippi River.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Song of Myself Essay Example for Free

Song of Myself Essay ‘Song of Myself’ is one of the most representative poems of Walt Whitman. It reveals what Walt Whitman is and what he stands for. In this poem, the poet discovers himself and gives the boldest expression to his true and ever expanding poetic-self defying all the limitations. In fact, it is a voyage of the self into the realms of imagination in an attempt to find its true nature. The poem celebrates his joy of finding his limitless and unbounded self identifying with the universal spirit. It is a journey from the individual self to the universal self. The poet expresses himself joyfully with the ‘original energy of nature which is unchecked and in exhaustive. The opening lines prepare the readers for an unprecedented flight of imagination. â€Å"He says, I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. † (Section-1) Whitman directly expresses the universality of the self and indirectly suggests the equality of all. He expresses the true nature of the self. He feels it is common to all and everyone has the same self. Everyone in the world has an equal claim on this world. He identifies his physical self and makes a distinction between the physical self of the poet and universal self of the poet. In the third stanza he says, †¦. form’d from this soil, this air, Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same, I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin, Hoping to cease not till death. (Section-1) The identity of the poet is revealed here. He was born to his parents and he was thirty seven years old enjoying robust health. These lines throw light on the personal life of the author. With this identity he starts his journey into the realms of freedom and equality where he finds himself perfectly in tune with the universe. He enjoys himself in his physical self and feels contented. He has neither worries nor any anxieties. He does not consider this life as preparation for the next. He is absolutely happy about his life and happy about what he is. The mention of soil and air clearly reveal that he is conscious of the world where he has come from. The poet is very happy with this beautiful world. The fresh air breathes new spirit in him. He identifies himself with nature and he wants to be as close to nature. He does not like anything to come in between himself and nature. He wants to be honest with nature. Here, we find the poet equating nakedness with honesty. He says, I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked, I am mad for it to be in contact with me. (Section-2) He rejoices himself being close to nature. The proximity with nature gives him vitality and strength. He totally identifies himself with the soil, water and air. He says, My respiration and inspiration, the beating of my heart, the passing of blood and air through my lungs, The sniff of green leaves and dry leaves, and of the shore. (Section-2) The poet celebrates himself for being a part of such wonderful nature. He is neither worried nor concerned about any thing that may happen in future. He is very much concerned with the present. He is down to the earth practical, and at the same time, he expresses the wisdom of living in the present instead of thinking about future and worrying about the past. He expresses his happiness saying, â€Å"I am satisfied—I see, dance, laugh, and sing. † He has no complaints about the present and his presence in this world. He says he is not blind to the problems and evil in this world. But he does not allow them to spoil his happiness and his celebration. His reference to â€Å"myself† refers to his soul. It is the essence of his personality. He identifies the soul of the speaker is the soul in everyone. It is the universal self. It is quite untouched by the sufferings of the world. In fact, Whitman identifies the speaker of the poem with the birth of his poetic self. The newly born poet finds himself joyful and happy. The poet mentions that the spirit of the poet is a brother of god. He says, â€Å"And I know that the hand of God is the promise of my own, And I know that the spirit of God is the brother of my own, And that all the men ever born are also my brothers, and the women and my sisters and lovers, And that a kelson of the creation is love. † (Section-5) Whitman says the new self of the poet identifies itself with everything in nature. It identifies itself with a blade of grass. He feels the grass represents the same what a man represents. The awakened self of the poet strikes a common cord with the creative forces of the world. He says: A child said What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands, How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is anymore than he. The grass stands as symbol for equality. It also represents the creative spirit in the world. He then goes on listing the things he has seen in American life, the joys, the worries, the celebration of the human race and celebration of everyday life. He describes the people he has met on his travels. He accepts them all without any complaints against them. Here, the poet shows his maturity of understanding and his modesty in accepting everything that life offers him. He does not question anything nor suspect any one. He describes himself as a lover of life. He says in the section 13 of the poem, he is a caresser of life wherever moving, backward as well as forward sluing. Absorbing all to myself and for this song. (Section-13) He strikes a beautiful comparison between his nature and the grass. He says: This is the grass that grows wherever the land is and the water is, this the common air that bathes the globe. As the grass grows every where he also respects everything and everyone in this world. He says, I play not marches for accepted victors only, I play marches for conquerd and slain persons, and I will not have a single person slighted or left away. (Section-18) Thus, the speaker in the poem, the new born poet shows a compassionate spirit and rejoices himself. The intensity in the search for the true meaning increases as the poem progresses. He asks in a philosophical tone, â€Å"Who goes there? Hankering, gross, mystical, nude: How is it I extract strength from the beef I eat? What is a man anyhow? What am I? What are you? † He is not dazzled by these questions nor withdraws himself to silence. He expresses himself and answers the questions he has raised. He says, In all people I see myself, none more and not one a barley-corn less, And the good or bad I say of myself I say of them. (Section-20) He also adds saying, I am the poet of the Body and I am the poet of the Soul, the pleasures of heaven are with me and pains of hell are with me. (Section-21) He rightly expresses that his poetry is a combination of both body and soul. There is something for the soul and there is something for the body. He mixes these things as naturally as a forest mixes different trees. His poetry is not like a cultivated garden. It is like a jungle. It is full of nature’s bounty. It is full of variety and it is vast. Just like the poem, the poet’s self grows to be the universal self and identifies itself with multitude of people and the creation in the world. The poet’s self grows beyond any limits and reaches the borders of vast expanses. The true self of the poet is no different from the vast and expanding world of his poetry. He grows as a man; his self grows to be a universal self and his soul ripens with wisdom and understanding, having made the entire tumultuous journey. He makes it clear that his poetic voice and his realization of his true self are not two different things. They are like the twins. He says, â€Å"My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach, With the twirl of my tongue I encompass world and volumes of worlds. Speech is the twin of my vision, it is unequal to measure itself, It provokes me forever, it says sarcastically, Walt you contain enough, why dont you let it out then? † (section-25) The poet’s identity of his voice with his poetic vision is a major leap in the journey. He realizes that the two senses reveal the same reality that he finds. He goes on exploring further and he says, I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars. (Section-31) Here, he realizes the some living force behind all the things in the world which makes them equal. He feels he is perfectly at home with everything in the world. He has no complaints nor any plans for improvement. He enjoys the sight of animals which are placid and self-contained. They are in absolute peace. He wants to live with them in that condition. He spends his time looking at them for a long time. He denounces the worries and frustrations of people as meaningless. The poet realizes the uniqueness of this realization and treats it with all the specialty and respect it commands. In the section 39 he begins speaking about himself in the third person. It is an indirect reference to what he has realized in the course of his journey. In that state of mind, wherever the poet goes he is respected and admired. He becomes the most liked person. He says, Wherever he goes men and women accept and desire him, They desire he should like them, touch them, speak to them, stay with them. He assumes the role of a guide and wants to lead the people with his realization. He says, â€Å"I launch all men and women forward with me into the Unknown. † Thus, the poet finds himself in a new role after the journey. He feels the realization he has, made him unique and this experience will be useful to the people who need guidance amid their turbulent lives.